Saturday, October 31, 2009

Again twitter is great

These days I find  most of my best educational, cutting-edge info from twitter.  I know I'm not posting enough to give back to the commuity, but that will come in time.  Another great video called "Paying Attention."  Are we as educators paying attention to what our kids are telling us ????  They're crying out for a different type of learning experience!  Are we listening?

English Language Arts Revision Process - Ohio

Here is the link to the entire standards revision process in Ohio in Ohio in light of the passage of House Bill 1.  I am going around the state on OELMA's behest in Novemember & December to introduce the draft of the E/LA standards and let school librarians give their feedback.  This should be an interesting process! 

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halloween fun

Didn't know that American Libraries online collects fun library-related videos every 2 weeks. Here's a library that even offers zombie protection!  Jeez, I never thought of that patron benefit!  Take a look!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Where the Wild Things Are

Here's a great poem from one of my favorite blogs, Gotta Book. This site is for  poetry lovers & teachers will enjoy the feature entitled 30 Poets 30 Days found here, especially during April, Poetry Month! This one made me laugh! It's called a "Oddaptation" & it's a re-issue!

by Maurice Sendak
Oddaptation by Gregory K.

Another family meal is missed:
Max is angry. Max is pissed.
And rumpus beasts? They don’t exist...
My word, Max needs a therapist!

Lots of controversy on the it too sad/intense for kids? Bob, my hubby, and I saw it @ an opening day matinee w/a disparate audience & it seemed all loved it! Do we protect kids too much these days? See the buzz over @ 5 Hens, Not Your Average Chicks.  I almost feel I saw a different movie than she did!

Yes, a school librarian helped create! this video

This film was created as the Keynote for the Net Generation Education Project.  This is a group of middle schoolers from Suffern Middle School. Their library media specialist, Peggy Sheehy, gave them permission to speak their mind, share their frustrations, hopes and dreams for what needs to happen in school.  Stop blocking sites, share, take a leap to join this genration as they explore what their futures will be.  These kids are way ahead of me as I have no idea what "machinima" is, but do know they were in Teen Second Life. Not been to Second Life yet, but I do have an avatar as you can see!  This video is under Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike Noncommercial Nonderivative 3.0.

The Future Is Now

GREAT VIDEO - seems that I am into finding them these days- last few posts, at least.  I love this one & found it via twitter after I added all the folks who I believe created edchat!  What is frustrating to me right now is that I am retied & am not sure how to affect the ed world anymore!  I have learned more about great new tools since I've been playing around on twitter & I have no chance to use them now.  Yes, I am still involved in library professional organizations, but I want to work w/the students & teachers to share what I've learned!  What to do?  Why does it have to take a doctorate to be considered a player?  I have lots to share w/educators right now!  I want a job in education again, but what I want to do is be an educational coach of some sort. Helping others to take the 2.0 leap!  Well, here's the video!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I'll fight you for the library

So true!  Found this via Audioblogger Mary Burkey, Olentangy lms.  Why does the library have to be the multipurpose room? Why don't otherwise civilized folk  pick up their messes after meetings in the library?  Another good question.  I found that once I entered the actual school library world that I could have also applied for "Two Men & a Truck."  People were always asking to "book" the library for non-related academic meetings!  We moved tables, desks, chairs constantly for some of these events! One year we called ourselves, "Parties R Us!"
The corollary is the age old question, "Why is the library closed?"  No the library is not closed, there are 2 classses in here & no aide!  New librarians, never say, "The library is closed."

Saturday, October 3, 2009

More from SLJ Summit

Still following on twitter, but must get Iris, my Corgi, out for walk # 2 very soon.  Diane Chen  suggests that we teach outside the media center at least once a week.  I always tried to get out of the library space & into teachers' classes as often as I could - students & teachers see you as a more authentic teacher that way.  How, though does one do this w/out an aide?  I was lukcy to have at least a part-time aide to keep the lmc open while I taught elswhere! What did I teach in classrooms?  I did lessons on genres, dressed a genre "characters," for example as a detective for mystery genre.  I brought in a group of mysteries to booktalk & then invited the class down to check out the genre I spoke about in class.  This was a hit w/5th grade teachers especially!  I delivered power points on a variety of topics in 6th grade Social Studies classes.  I introduced NoodleBib as a mini lesson before students came to do research. 
Getting entre to teacher classrooms gave me clues as to what was being taught, how teachers displayed student work, the class climate - all good to know when working/planning with teachers!

SJL Summit 2009 - the Database Song

I am following the SLJ Summit in DC via twitter & just found this post of Buffy Hamilton's.  She's the librarian from the Unquiet Library.  She is one of my heroes along w/Joyce Valenza.  I believe this is Joyce's daughter singing this version of the Bobby Darin song, Dream Lover on YouTube!!  She's so cute!  We're longing for databases that use 2.0 functionality.